
Fazanovi Tamburaši

Fazanovi Tamburaši

The Tamburaši band will perform as part of Doček 7532 at Kod Fazana 1882 restaurant on 13 January.

The band ‘Tamburaši s Dunava’ is not just an ensemble, yet a real musical institution that has nurtured the tambourine tradition for more than ten years. Performing in Serbia and beyond its borders, they left an indelible mark by playing folk music. Most of the members of the orchestra are also members of the Great Tambourine Orchestra of RTV and have been accompanying Zvonko Bogdan for years. The composition of ‘Tamburaši s Dunava’ is made up of exceptional individuals: Đorđe Vukićević on bass, Dragan Radović on kontra, Dragan Birovljev on cello, Zoran Škrbić on second bass prima, Dejan Radović on first bass prima and Nenad Jankov on accordion together create a harmonious sound that wins the hearts of listeners.

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