

SCCNS Fabrika / District

Fabrika is a programme space of the Student Cultural Centre of Novi Sad, located in the Creative District, a part of the city that, after several decades, experienced a transformation and, while respecting the specific identity of the location, became a centre of contemporary creativity. SCCNS Fabrika is surrounded by the renovated spaces of the […]

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Bukovac Cultural Station

The blend of the cultural heritage of the former cultural centre and contemporary trends in culture, ecology and sports make up the identity of the Bukovac Cultural Station. Trying to meet the innovative approach to recreation and the cultural potential of the space for culture, a new model of consumption of cultural content was created

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Barka Cultural Station

Located at the edge of the city, between Slana Bara, Vidovdansko Naselje and Klisa, Barka Cultural Station is a new place for culture in Novi Sad. As one of the major infrastructure projects within the Novi Sad – European Capital of Culture project, Barka Cultural Station contributes to fellow citizens experiencing this region as a

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The Novi Sad synagogue in Jevrejska Street is one of four synagogues in our country, built in the early twentieth century in the Hungarian Art Nouveau style according to the project of Lipót Baumhorn, an architect from Pest. It was surrounded by buildings – on the left, the former Jewish elementary school, and on the

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The Novi Sad synagogue in Jevrejska Street is one of four synagogues in our country, built in the early twentieth century in the Hungarian Art Nouveau style according to the project of Lipót Baumhorn, an architect from Pest. It was surrounded by buildings – on the left, the former Jewish elementary school, and on the

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Звезде из Лондона, HÆLOS, право са Билбордове топ листе стижу на Дочек 7531. године доносећи трип-хоп звуке у специјални амбијент најстаријег луткарског позоришта у Србији, Позоришта младих, а слушамо их од 22 часа. Открићемо зашто баш овај бенд руши рекорде слушаности на свим платформама! Први сингл британског трип хоп бенда HÆLOS, „Dust“, објављен је 2014.

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Наступ Nneke у оквиру Дочекa 7531. је распродат! Улазнице за друге аудио-визуелне догађаје, који ће се 13. јануара одржавати широм града, у оквиру програма Дочек 7531, продају се online, као и у целокупној Gigs Tix продајној мрежи. Набавите улазнице на време и по нижим ценама! Афричка R’n’B принцеза, Nneka, коју пореде са Алишом Киз и Ериком Баду, наступа 13. јануара у

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