

Radnički Dom

Radnički Dom ‘Svetozar Marković’ (Labours Union building) on Mihajla Pupina Boulevard is one of the unjustly neglected locations in Novi Sad that has great potential to gather an audience interested in a wide variety of cultural programmes. Radnički Dom represented the building of the Association of Independent Trade Unions of the City of Novi Sad,

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Vojvođanski Blues Band и Тихомир Поп Асановић

Чувени Vojvođanski Blues Band и Тихомир Поп Асановић, хрватски џез-рок и фјужн клавијатуриста, оргуљаш и композитор, наступиће на Brodu Zeppelin у оквиру Дочека у Новом Саду, 13. јануара, од 21 час. Панонски блузери и један од најбољих југословенских клавијатуриста свих времена заљуљаће нас на Дунаву, на броду са најлепшим погледом на Петроварадинску тврђаву. Vojvođanski Blues

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La Banda

Лирика тамбуре и мелодија овог поднебља нашле су пут до нових генерација захваљујући саставу La Banda који ће наступити 13. јануара, у 20 часова, у Културној станици Буковац, као део програма Дочек 7531. У новогодишњој ноћи чланице састава с публиком ће поделити свој слободни дух и чисту љубав према музици. Тамбурашки састав La Banda основан

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Sana Garić

The well-known voice of the local alternative scene, Sana Garić, is winning over the region with incredible speed. After striking hits and nominations for awards that have positioned her on the European scene as well, she will arrive at the Svilara Cultural Station on 13 January at 9 p.m., with a very special way to

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Space Motion & Tribe

The tickets for the Space Motion & Tribe performance within Doček 7531 have been sold out! Tickets for other audio-visual events, taking place within Doček 7531 across the city on 13 January, will be sold online and at the Gigs Tix box offices. Get your tickets on time! One of the most successful Serbian producers and DJs has just

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Straight from the largest international festival stages, including even the New York pub at which legendary Leonard Cohen and Dolly Parton sang, the band Kal is coming. In the intimate atmosphere of the Rumenka Cultural Station, Doček 7531, on 13 January at 9 p.m. will reveal to the audience what Roma music with elements of

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The stars from London, HÆLOS, straight from the Billboard charts, arrive at Doček 7531, bringing trip-hop sounds to the special ambience of the oldest puppet theatre in Serbia, the Youth Theatre, on 13 January at 10 p.m.. We will find out why this band is breaking streaming records on all platforms! British trip hop band

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